Structured Family Caregiver (SFC)
What is Structured Family Caregiver?
If you are a caregiver for a loved one who is eligible for Medicaid in Georgia, the Structured Family Caregiver (SFC) program can help you manage the costs of caregiving. The Structured Family Caregiver program provides a tax-free financial stipend to family members who provide support services and personal care for a Medicaid member in the privacy of home. In addition to the stipend to help offset the costs of caregiving, respite care is available when the caregivers needs a break.
How to Qualify?
To be eligible to participate in the Georgia SFC program, you must meet certain income and asset requirements, and your loved one must be elderly, blind, or disabled. Here are the two categories: Patient (Medicaid Member) Requirements and Caregiver Requirements. If your family already meets the criteria listed below and you’re ready to get started with services from Healthstaff Services, Inc. (or to start the process of qualifying for EDWP services), click here to start the intake process.
Eligibility for Caregiver
The family caregiver must be biologically or legally related to the individual receiving care. However, a spouse, legal guardian, parent of a minor child or conservator is not eligible to be the structured family caregiver.
The family caregiver must reside in the same home with the individual receiving care.
The family caregiver must not have any other means of employment. The primary caregiver cannot be employed or self-employed.
- Caregiver must be at least 18 years of age
- Caregiver must pass a criminal background check
- Tasks must be recorded every day (electronically)
- Monthly contact with Health Coach regarding the Member’s care.
- Must complete 8 hours of training annually
- In-home meeting with Health Coach and case managers twice annually
Eligibility for Medicaid Member
The Medicaid Member must already be approved for SOURCE or CCSP home care services under Georgia Medicaid’s Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program (EDWP), also known as Community Care Services Program or CCSP.
- Click here to learn how to qualify for EDWP services
Must be willing and able to pay monthly Cost Share, if assessed due to higher income. Healthstaff Services may be able to assist in Cost Share payments for our SFC participants.
Individuals receiving Structured Family Caregiver are not eligible for the following services under the EDWP program:
- Medicaid Home Care Services from another provider
- Home Delivered Meals
- A Stipend payment for days when the Member is in a hospital, nursing facility, or other institution.